Thursday, 14 May 2015

Ways To Make Your Smile Through Cosmetic Dentistry

A few years ago, cosmetic dentistry was an extremely scary choice. But not today! People are now more open to the idea of external enhancement, especially when it comes to the mouth and teeth. Today, cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, from whitening and shaping to closing spaces and replacing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry helps a variety of patients fix a wide range of aesthetic issues that take away from the appeal of their smiles. From teeth whitening to porcelain veneers to bonding and implants, there are so many procedures that can help you attain the smile you have always wanted!

Cosmetic dentistry has gone main-stream. It is no longer only for celebrities, but a wide number of people are turning towards this non-invasive and easy option to get their teeth fixed. From small delicate changes to major oral surgery, there are various ways to fix a problematic smile through cosmetic dentistry. These procedures are targeted towards fixing teeth that are discolored, chipped, misshapen, or missing. With rapid advancement in the field of technology, it is now easier to get your teeth replaced within a day! When your smile is bright, healthy, and appealing, you will feel more confident in every aspect of your life. 

Before you get started, it is important to understand what kind of treatment you can go for. Choose a treatment as per your problem area first. If you teeth are stained yellow or discolored, you can undergo a teeth whitening procedure which will brighten your teeth and help you get rid of stains. Those with chipped teeth or bad enamel structure can go for tooth bonding. In this procedure, the doctor uses a bonding agent to create the structure of your original teeth and attaches it to the chipped area. This treatment make your teeth appear fuller and complete without any gaping holes in them.

The latest technology in dentistry is porcelain veneers. These are basically just small porcelain shells that cover your teeth making them look perfect. They are best to hide any discoloration, chipping, marks or any other problem on your enamel. Dental contouring or tooth reshaping are also suitable options for shaping your teeth correctly.

Some of us have a smile that show more gums than teeth. To fix this, you can go for crown lengthening where we increase the length of your crown by removing excess gum tissue on your enamel. A minor surgery is required for this and as a result your teeth will appear longer and stronger. Another very popular treatment that Dentzz specializes in is dental implants and teeth alignment. The former is used if you are missing a tooth or want to remove a certain tooth and the latter is used to align crooked teeth properly to give you uniform teeth alignment and enhance your smile.

Visit us for a wide array of procedures that will help you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of. At Dentzz we believe in the importance of helping people unlock their true potential. 

Professional Teeth Whitening Options at Dentzz

Dentzz DentalCosmetic dental processes are aimed at improving the look of your teeth and smile. There is an assortment of procedures available to tackle any cosmetic concern. It is always imperative to remember that the health of your smile must be considered prior to any cosmetic procedure. Creating equilibrium between health and cosmetic aesthetics will permit you to maintain a beautiful smile for a lifetime.

This continues to be one of the fastest-growing fields in dental study as research reveals that a beautiful smile is tied to a person’s self-confidence and also influences the opinions of others.

Today, there are countless dental procedures to keep you from a bad smile! Teeth whitening, dental contouring, teeth bonding, reshaping, alignment, porcelain veneers etc. that will not only enhance your smile but also give it a very healthy look. Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today's cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than those in the past. Lars, composite structures and other things are ruling the roost when it comes to such procedures. Each day a new non-invasive way is found to improve your smile. You no longer have to put up with a bad smile for the fear of a surgery, because with these procedures, you probably don’t even need one!

Computer imaging is another useful technique used to help patients. It allows dentists to create "virtual restorations" on a computer screen. A patient can see what the results will look like before deciding to get cosmetic work done. This imaging technique is relatively new, but more dentists are acquiring it. With such technological advancement, it is now easier for a person to understand what will work best for them and improve their smile.

More than often, the food we eat is bombarded with various levels of artificial color. Regular exposure to such material is bound to leave your teeth discolored or stained. Teeth whitening procedures are ideal in cases like this. During this procedure, the dentist will use certain chemicals to remove the stains on your teeth, giving you a shiny bright smile!

Visit us at Dentzz for a consultation. As a brand we have maintained a high standard in the oral healthcare market and we provide various cosmetic dentistry procedures to our clients. You can go through different professional teeth whitening options at Dentzz and choose one that suits your needs best. A totally non-invasive procedure, we will guide you and help you understand the entire procedure so you do not have to worry about anything. With a panel of highly qualified doctors, modern technology and state of the art equipment, we will offer you the best service possible. 

Oral Health and Pregnancy- Do’s and Don’ts

Oral health is an important component of general health and should be maintained during pregnancy. It is important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy because pregnancy causes hormonal changes that amplify the risk of increasing gum disease, which, in turn, can influence the health of your developing baby. Women also tend to have a higher amount of plaque on their teeth and gums during pregnancy and it is vital to make sure that oral health is not ignored during this time.

We at Dentzz stress the need for regular brushing and flossing during this time. Here is a compilation of some do’s and don’ts for expecting women.


  • Brush regularly

Experts suggest that although your oral problems will not affect your baby directly, it can reduce immunity and make you prone to a host of other infections, which could in turn harm the foetus. To avoid this make sure you brush your teeth regularly and use a good fluoride toothpaste.
  • Dental scaling

A common problem most pregnant women will face is the increased amount of plaque. This mainly happens due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, as the tissues in the gums are more susceptible to bacteria. It is a major cause of gingivitis which is commonly marked by bleeding gums. Visit us at Dentzz for a dental scaling or clean up during the initial days. 
  • Drink plenty of water

There is a reason they say that water is the most important and essential nutrient and it helps in almost every area of your life. Drinking water will wash down the bacteria and ensure it does not stay on the enamel. Try these simple yet beneficial tips suggested by us at Dentzz and see the changes in your oral health for yourself.

  • Skip your dental checkup

Hormonal changes increase the risk of periodontal disease, also known as pregnancy gingivitis which makes regular dental check-ups essential during pregnancy. If you notice that your gums are bleeding orswelling talk to your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Snack too often

Avoid fried and oily food or anything that may cause a reflux reaction. Eat plenty of vegetables, especially green veggies, as they tend to provide calcium, which is extremely good for your teeth. Always brush and floss. Maintain a healthy diet. Add fruits along with other healthy food to create a perfect balance.
  • Neglect oral hygiene

You can do many small things on a regular basis like rinsing your mouth regularly. Yes, this really helps. Every time you eat anything, go, and rinse your mouth, you need not brush. Try this at an interval of 2 hours and you will realize the fresh feeling immediately.