Thursday 14 May 2015

Oral Health and Pregnancy- Do’s and Don’ts

Oral health is an important component of general health and should be maintained during pregnancy. It is important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy because pregnancy causes hormonal changes that amplify the risk of increasing gum disease, which, in turn, can influence the health of your developing baby. Women also tend to have a higher amount of plaque on their teeth and gums during pregnancy and it is vital to make sure that oral health is not ignored during this time.

We at Dentzz stress the need for regular brushing and flossing during this time. Here is a compilation of some do’s and don’ts for expecting women.


  • Brush regularly

Experts suggest that although your oral problems will not affect your baby directly, it can reduce immunity and make you prone to a host of other infections, which could in turn harm the foetus. To avoid this make sure you brush your teeth regularly and use a good fluoride toothpaste.
  • Dental scaling

A common problem most pregnant women will face is the increased amount of plaque. This mainly happens due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, as the tissues in the gums are more susceptible to bacteria. It is a major cause of gingivitis which is commonly marked by bleeding gums. Visit us at Dentzz for a dental scaling or clean up during the initial days. 
  • Drink plenty of water

There is a reason they say that water is the most important and essential nutrient and it helps in almost every area of your life. Drinking water will wash down the bacteria and ensure it does not stay on the enamel. Try these simple yet beneficial tips suggested by us at Dentzz and see the changes in your oral health for yourself.

  • Skip your dental checkup

Hormonal changes increase the risk of periodontal disease, also known as pregnancy gingivitis which makes regular dental check-ups essential during pregnancy. If you notice that your gums are bleeding orswelling talk to your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Snack too often

Avoid fried and oily food or anything that may cause a reflux reaction. Eat plenty of vegetables, especially green veggies, as they tend to provide calcium, which is extremely good for your teeth. Always brush and floss. Maintain a healthy diet. Add fruits along with other healthy food to create a perfect balance.
  • Neglect oral hygiene

You can do many small things on a regular basis like rinsing your mouth regularly. Yes, this really helps. Every time you eat anything, go, and rinse your mouth, you need not brush. Try this at an interval of 2 hours and you will realize the fresh feeling immediately. 

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