Wednesday 15 July 2015

Plaque: What is it and How Do We Get Rid of it?- Dentzz

As you grow old, your teeth start to deteriorate and become weak. Oral hygiene plays a major role. To maintain healthy teeth and gums you need to make sure that you aren’t suffering from plaque and tartar. What is it and how can that be dealt with? Read on to find out what our experts at Dentzz have to say.

Dentzz Dental CareYou may have noticed a sticky and colorless film of bacteria forming on the teeth along the gum line. It contains bacterium that is the leading cause of cavities and gum disease. There are multiple reasons for developing plaque. It develops when foods containing carbohydrates such as milk, aerated drinks, and sugary items such as cakes or candy are habitually left on the teeth. Bacteria thrives on these foods producing acids that in return destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay. It can also grow on the tooth roots under the gum and cause breakdown of the bone that supports the tooth. Plaque that cannot be eliminated from around the gum line gives rise to inflammation and causes irritation of the gums around your teeth. One of the common symptoms is a yellow or brown deposit that is along the lower front teeth or at the gum line.

There are numerous ways in which you can get rid of plaque. They are as follows:
  • Floss- Take a string of floss and use it to remove the germs and food particles that are stuck in between the teeth. Make sure you place the floss gently rather than snapping it or else it could hurt your gums.
  • Brush your teeth- Brush twice a day and remember to use pea-size toothpaste that contains fluoride. It is what protects the tooth from decay. Use any brushing method that is comfortable according to you. Do not scrub hard back and forth. The ideal way to brush is in small circular motions, back and forth motion. After brushing make sure you have rinsed well.
  • Clean the tongue- One should remember that food residues those found in sweets particularly act like nutrients for the germs. This causes tooth decay and leads to gum disease. It is vital to eliminate residues stuck on the teeth and tongue. In this way, you can also get rid of plaque that is stuck in the teeth. If plaque is not removed, try brushing after every meal and rinse your mouth well with a mouthwash. This habit also helps keep bad breath away. You could also make use of a dental pick or a toothpick.
Use the above techniques to get rid of plaque and maintain a healthy oral hygiene.

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