Thursday 12 November 2015

How to Keep Teeth Healthy at Office?

Oral hygiene is one of the most important yet most ignored aspects of health. However, good oral hygiene or the lack of it is a sure indicator of the level of health of the individual. Systemic diseases or those that affect the entire body are often first indicated through oral health.

Plaque, the coating that forms on teeth that we brush off causes a large number of diseases for examples infections like gingivitis, periodontal problems and trench mouth. It can even cause arteries to block up causing heart attacks or strokes. In rare cases, infections in the mouth can cause bacteria to enter the blood stream through cuts in the mouth causing endocarditis which is a fatal condition. It is thus essential to maintain good dental hygiene not only at home but also at the work place.

Dentz- How to Maintain Dental Care in Office

What are the major factors that can affect dental health in the office? Primarily all our modern offices are potential threats to our oral health basically through common amenities available in them. Most offices offer plenty of free eatables that usually have extremely high amounts of sugar that has a debilitating effect on your teeth. Try to avoid the place that offers these goodies even if you have to take the longer route to various points in your office. If the snack comes to your table occasionally, try to resist temptation but even if you can’t, remember that an occasional snack is much better than a regular one.

Another problem in the office is the constant caffeine overflow. Most people begin the day with a strong dose of caffeine in any form and this continues through the day increasing on days with greater stress levels. Coffee and tea not only stain the teeth but contain doses of sugar that are harmful to the teeth. Rinsing your mouth with water after a drink, can not only wash out the remaining residue but also lessen the risk of staining. Try to reduce caffeine intake and whenever you have get your shot of caffeine make sure that your mouth is rinsed out of all residue. This can leave your teeth comparatively less affected.

Many people find it extremely convenient to eat at their desks. They do not realise the high risk it has for bacterial growth affecting not just oral health but overall health. Try to find a cafeteria that allows you to carry in your own food or try to walk to a park near your office where a healthier eating environment is present. If your office does not give you access to any of these, then ensure that you disinfect your desk before and after a meal.

Vending machines and the snacks they offer are another threat in the office. Try to opt for snacks like salted nuts which don’t have high sugar content, which are a major cause for tooth decay.

Finally try to properly rinse out your mouth after every meal and even carry a mouthwash to office. This will ensure that you maintain your oral hygiene as well as have a fresh smelling breath throughout the day. Also, remember to visit your dentist at clinics such as Dentzz, to ensure overall health of your teeth. 

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