Monday 24 August 2015

Dental Implants Aid Quality of Life for Osteoporotic Women

Until a few years back, if a tooth was missing or damaged, people had to spend the rest of their lives just like that, with the missing or damaged tooth. However, with the advancements in the areas of dentistry, people can now lead a better life and without having to live with a damaged or a missing tooth.

Dental implants have come as a blessing in disguise to all such people. It not only replaces the missing or the damaged tooth, but also lifts up the confidence of the people and improves the self-respect of the individuals. Dental implants such as dental crowns etc. gel in with the natural look and colour of the teeth and therefore will not even look out of place or different. As a result, the people using dental implants would not find any difference between their natural tooth and the implanted tooth, which serves great for such patient. Dental implants are one of the most popular treatments that Dentzz Dental Care clinics offer and are known for.

Dental Implants- Dentzz

Apart from the obvious advantages of the dental implants, recent research studies are suggesting that the advantages of dental implants may not just stop at that and go much more than the obvious advantages. When the dental implant is put in place, the area of the missing tooth is disinfected and then the implant is fixed, which ensures that the place is not a breeding ground for bacteria and plaque. However, apart from all of these advantages, recent research studies suggest that dental implants actually aid a better quality of life for osteoporotic women. Now, the most obvious question that would arise in your mind is, how?

Osteoporosis is a condition where in the bone mineral density is drastically reduced and the bones become brittle, due to the loss of tissue, which in is caused due to a number of reasons including calcium or vitamin deficiency and hormonal changes. Osteoporosis can hit drastic levels due to aging and is usually worsened due to the life styles of the individuals including their diet and lack of exercise, in addition to the genetics of course. This condition can affect women more than men.

Osteoporosis also results in loss of teeth in individuals, since the jaw bones lose their mineral density, along with the rest of the bones in the human body. In fact a number of dentists including those from Dentzz, opine that loss of teeth would be one of the earliest symptoms of osteoporosis. Therefore in such cases where the individuals lose teeth as a result of osteoporosis, dental implants can be of great value. The individuals do not need to live with missing teeth anymore.

We all know how our looks can affect our self-esteem in a great manner and therefore dental implants, by helping the individuals replace the missing teeth, would definitely boost up the self-esteem of the individuals and making the individuals feel like they have their natural teeth back. In comparison to dentures, which often cause pain to the wearers and may cause infections and sometimes swelling as well, dental implants are the best long term solution for people with an osteoporosis condition.

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